Monday, 3 October 2016

Plan for photos

The photos I want to take for my school magazine is a photo of a Jai who is a current sixth former at the school because i think it will be good to have a current student to represent the school on the front cover. I would like to take the photo somewhere in the school because I feel that if it is a school magazine then the pictures for the magazine should also be taken in school. For example, the photos could be taken in the library at one of the computers or at a desk or just in the hallway by some of the other students work that is on the wall etc. In the photos I want Jai to be either in her school uniform or in some nice presentable clothes in order to represent the school. In the photos i would like Jai to either be looking like she is doing some work on a computer or at a table or to at least be standing by some work on the walls that other students have done. This is to show that the students at Plantsbrook school are hard working individuals. I would also like Jai to be looking at the camera smiling, in order to represent the school in a positive way, showing that it is a happy school that students are happy to go to. the camera shot I would be doing is either a medium close up (MCU) or a medium shot because I feel that those 2 camera shots are the most suitable for my magazine. These are two example of a medium close up shot and a regular medium shot, that I would be using in my photos.
Image result for school magazine       Image result for magazine medium shot

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